Sunday, February 24, 2019
Obama’s Health Care Reform
Obamas wellness Care Reform construction the universal wellness dish out system is sensationness of the campaign promises of the Obama administration. Health sustainment occupies a special place on public finance its different with other computables markets in the daily life. Its one of the pregnant issues for the government, which associated with bulks life and death. People commence racy quality health guard is a right of all race and should hand over as a public service. People got their health policy from the working companies, the government, or the damages companies.The health care tame is the ample pop in Barack Obamas presidency. On March. 23rd, 2010, finally the Patient rampart and Affordable Care Act became law. Obama wants to use health care purify to stimulates the economy in the short run, only similarly centralise the deficit problem in the long run. This health care iron out is the al virtually important transition for the US. As we known US is the only create countries which doesnt down universal health coverage, it has to a greater extent than than 40 millions who hold outt lose health care insurance, also well-nigh family rottert afford the mel moo health insurance cost.Also the public currency for the health care are also high the US has the high cost health care exclusively inefficient operation system. straightway the aging problem become more serious, it has more retirees, the elders need more health care, and this sum ups the pressure of the health care insurance, summation the cost of the health care also approximately technique widely used caused the expenditure increase The Obamas health care plan quickly increase the number of people who have health care insurance by outlay money upfront.The Act includes the health insurance impartrs are mandated to own person, charging them the same rate as individuals without conditions extend the coverage, provides more subsidies to the poor people to g et the insurance, provide affordable health coverage for all Americans, no matter that are rich or poor people have choice to select their insurance and doctors, it aims to eliminate some worst practices of the insurance company reduce the cost and make health insurance more effective.The US would keep the employee-based health insurance to cover most Americans, also create a public insurance system for people who do not have insurance. The employers have to pay into the system for the employees or provide health care insurance as good as the federal official system. Also individuals would pay into the public system, the government would give subsidy to turn away the cost and make them affordable for the low-level relegate.As a family, 38% sound off that the life would be better off, 43% mean that theres no change As the square country, we find that 59% think the country volition do better after(prenominal) health care reform, 19% think that there would be no change after ref orm, 12% think their life would be worse off. So to the intact country, most of people wear the reform. Actually, this reform brings the US many changes. To the whole US citizen, it extends coverage through mandated. The health care plan will provide affordable and efficient health insurance coverage for most Americans.So people who in the middle-level class or low-level class have ability to join into this health care plan. They all have right to get high quality health care. US lucubrate the Medicaid range, give subsidy insurance premium to someone were poverty creating a national health insurance exchange, its control by the government and sell insurance to people who dont have health insurance As shown in the graph, using the health care plan, the share of the population with health insurance coverage would increase to 93. 3% in 2019, spend about 20. 9% GDP on health care, means that government care more about peoples health.Change the US health care system to lower cost but high quality system. Obama put forward that antitrust laws to prevent insurers from overcharging physicians for malpractice insurance. This not only reforms the medical malpractice system, regulate the insurance company, but also rectify the efficiency of the whole system, improve patient safety. The most important part of Obamas policy is make investment in health reading technology, this strategy nor only improve the health care quality, also reduce the cost in long run society. He provides a belligerent insurance market to promote more efficient and more competition.Promoting measure and strengthening public health. In previous health care plan, slight than one in twenty five goes for ginmill. Obamas notion of the health care plan is to create the conditions and opportunities that allow and encourage Americans to adopt muscular lifestyles. Prevention is the national priority, providing opportunities to have healthy lifestyle and keep unhealthiness away. .. For example, h ave more primary care provider and disease streak program, established National Prevention, Health Promotion these federal agencies would inspection and repair to take a crap good publicity and prevention for the country.The government provides special funds for promotion and prevention this would improve the quality of health care, improve the public health strategy and develop the spick-and-span technology provide new prevention technology information and regular screening for peoplegovernment provide such services to prevent disease by healthy lifestyle. The reform not only affects the health care, but also the economy. The most important impact on manufacturing is the insurance industry.As the demand and for insurance increase because the regulation on employers, also the supply decrease the price is low due to the regulation, this would decrease the cost of health insurance. Recent years, insurance industry is overhead, by this health care reform, it reduces the overhead s tatus and reduces the competition in this industry. Obamas plan regulate the insurance industry by providing new purchasing pools, standards the health care package, reducing expenses, promoting competitionwithout the reform, government spending on Medicare and Medicaid is unsustainable, also raising during years, by this, the family save a lot.The reform has regulation on employers should provide health insurance to the employees. Also to some small business, the government provide special subsidy fund to help them build the health care plan Obamas plan tries to go through the previous health care system. He stands as the patient, the health care provider, employers, employees, government attempt to change aspect from different persons opinion. This reform changes the current health care system and affects the economy, to build a universal health care system. It has variety advantages, but also it has some problems.Like government require employees to provide employers health insu rance if they dont have. To employers, this is not good news, basically, this increase their cost of hiring employers, and means that they should hire slight people by the same amount spending. Also American is a democratic state people have their own right to recognize what they want. Obamas opinion is build the universal health care system, but realization way is force all people to buy health insurance, people lost their right at the same time, they should provide individualized information to the insurance company, including their habits.The most important is government exponent involution to the health insurance Americans lost their own medical decision, the decision power transfers to the government. Also theres problem whether the cost containment strategies going to support this universal health cares system in long run instanter its hard to say the future of this health care reform, last is good to public, or have some problem, time would tell us the truth. According to the short term, the reform is good for Americans and the economics also good for the people who cannot afford the insurance.It has positive impact on the society, become one of a big jump in the history. Citation 1. http//www. calpoly. edu/efisher/Econ%20464/NicoleWallen%20Senior%20Project. pdf 2. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Health_care_reform_in_the_United_States 3. http//healthpolicyandmarket. blogspot. com/2008/03/detailed-analysis-of-barack-obamas. html 4. http//www. bing. com/images/ lookup? q=health+care+obama+plan&FORM=BIFD
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